Early in the morning, we set off from Cologne for secIT, a two-day trade fair on the subject of security in the age of digitalization at the Congress Centrum in the heart of Hanover.
The security conference, which has been organized annually by Heise Medien (https://sec-it.heise.de) since 2018, was attended by us and a further 1750 participants and was therefore a complete success not only in terms of numbers but also in purely human terms.
We came on a mission to make new contacts and expand our knowledge in this industry and to present our new product on the subject of security in the post-quantum era, namely the FYER HSM (hardware security module), to the professional audience.

Where the beginning was still bumpy and we all had to get into the overwhelming fair, we managed very quickly to get into conversation with several interesting people and their views and ideas!
We got to know companies personally, which approach the topic of security on the level of security software, to mention here would be G Data (www.gdata.de/) as one of the leading antivirus software providers, as well as Sonicwall (https://www.sonicwall.com/de-de/), which is committed to cybercrime. Other companies are dedicated to password protection, including Keeper (https://keepersecurity.com/de_DE/).
Furthermore, we received a lot of fascinating information from Peter Danil from the German Federal Office for Information Security regarding certifications at official level.
Finally we visited the day before post-quantum cryptography in the comic explained by Mr. Klaus Schmeh of cryptovision ( https://www.cryptovision.com/de/start-3/ ). This was a great enrichment of our knowledge concerning this topic. In general, Mr. Schmeh explained the four different cryptoprocedures in the quantum era: grid-based, code-based and hashbased cryptography. He presented these in a vivid and understandable way using comics.
In the end, secIT was an enrichment for our team, because not only were new contacts made and our individual knowledge expanded, but our product FYER HSM was also received with interest.
We recommend secIT to everyone who is involved in the field of security in today’s world and would like to meet new people who are familiar with the topic and their views. The trade fair was not only about knowledge exchange and networking, but also about the people behind this network.
We report also in the future on topics such as cryptography and security on our blog. For further information about the FYER HSM please contact us.